Anwar Akash on Northern District Times, Daily Telegraph with Epping home library


Free language academy fosters closer Bangla ties

Private lessons offered

By: Robbie Patterson | Photo by: Dave Swift

WHILE Australia attempts to involve itself in the Gillard Government’s Asian Century initiative, Anwar Akash has been teaching the world’s sixth largest language across Sydney.

Mr. Anwar Akash started the free service six years ago, offering a community language program to schools as well as private lessons from their Epping home to anyone interested.

Mr Akash said his Bangla Academy was a “community-focused institution dedicated to promoting and fostering the language, culture and heritage in the hearts and minds of the budding Bangla speakers and people from non-Bangla speaking background”

He emphasised the importance of learning different languages and cultures in a multicultural society. “It has a huge impact. Some parents say that children shouldn’t concentrate that much” he said.

“But the Department of Education says children can easily learn five languages. In doing so they are able to absorb information from all of those different backgrounds, political, cultural and social environments.”

Mr Akash believed the learning of languages was the means of achieve his goal “Our language Our Freedom” (My Language My Freedom)

To obtain more details of his courses, which are free after a $50 registration fee, email or go to

Anwar Akash at his Epping home language centre